The Skeen Patch Mag


September, back in town, you are tanned and rested… However, it is at this time of year that your skin needs intense repair because in [...]

Water retention, feeling of heavy legs or cellulite… the worries of summer DISCOVER OUR SOLUTIONS FOR LIGHT LEGS AND TONIC SKIN IN FRANCE, 1 IN [...]

What if we gave you the solution? OFTEN A TABOO SUBJECT, AND YET 3 MILLION PEOPLE ARE AFFECTED BY THIS SOCIAL HANDICAP! Urinary leaks, embarrassing [...]

Before summer, it’s decided, you are already preparing your “summer body”: a firmer, more toned but above all healthy body! To get there, read the [...]

WHY DOES YOUR PURCHASE MAKE SENSE? Did you know that the Regenerative Microcurrent biotechnology that equips Skeen Patch devices comes from clinical research? We are [...]

URINARY LEAKAGE – URINARY INCONTINENCE Urinary incontinence is a pathology that affects a wide audience, men and women alike. It affects our quality of life, [...]

EMS and microcurrents: two stimulation technologies not to be confused! They are used in the fields of health, body and facial aesthetics. Although they seem [...]

URINARY LEAKAGE – URINARY INCONTINENCE Unfortunately a taboo subject, urinary incontinence is very widespread. It affects all ages, men and women alike. It affects our [...]

Aesthetic medicine aims to improve physical appearance using different techniques such as cosmetic surgery, botox injections or products such as hyaluronic acid, fillers or even [...]

Here is NEO 2023. Your brand new anti-aging technological beauty device Just as small, simple, nomadic as the current version. It is now available in [...]

WHICH NATURAL CONCEALER TO USE? Signs found under the eyes, dark circles make you look tired when you have them. There are several factors that [...]

A real breakthrough in the world of anti-aging esthetic medicine, this 100% natural bio-esthetic method continues to make headlines. Tested numerous times in laboratories, it [...]

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