These General Conditions define the conditions under which I.Management "the Hirer" will
leases to users "the Tenant". The contractual documents binding I.Management and the user, under
the order by I.Management, are the rental form and these terms and conditions.
General Terms and Conditions of Hire (together the "Contract").

Head office : 80 rue Curial - 75019 Paris

Customer Service
For any information, questions or advice, our customer service is at your disposal:

  • by email:

1.1. The appliances ordered "the Good" are those offered from a selection of appliances offered on the website ("Site").

1.2 All orders imply the Hirer's full and unreserved acceptance of the Contract. To place an
a remote order, the Hirer must have a valid email address necessary to receive
confirmation of the order sent by email. The Hirer accepts and acknowledges that validation by him of his online order constitutes proof of his consent to the said order. The non
transmission of data related to the order prevents the transaction from being carried out and analysed
of the Tenant. The occurrence of an unpaid invoice due to fraudulent use of a bank card or other means of payment will result in the registration of the details relating to the order associated with this unpaid invoice in a payment incident file. An irregular declaration or anomaly may also be subject to specific processing. As part of the order control service, I.Management or its partners may contact users by any means with a view to validating a transaction and may, if necessary, request supporting documents (proof of identity and bank details/cancelled cheque, etc.). The user is informed that failure or refusal to provide the requested supporting documents will prevent I.Management or its partners from granting a guarantee on the transaction concerned.
In the absence of a guarantee, the order will not be accepted. The time required for I.Management or its partners to receive the parts requested may delay dispatch of the equipment ordered.

2.1. In the case of a distance order, the user has 14 days from receipt of the goods to exercise his/her right of withdrawal. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the user must notify his decision to withdraw, before the expiry of the aforementioned period, by means of an unambiguous statement, for example by using the withdrawal form sent to the following address: I.Management SAS 80 rue Curial 75019 Paris. The user must return the Good in its complete original box in a condition suitable for resale, in its original packaging accompanied by all its accessories in unopened, unused condition, instructions and documentation to the following address: I.Management SAS 80 rue Curial 75019, without undue delay, and in any event no later than 14 days following communication of its decision to withdraw. This deadline is deemed to have been met if the user returns the complete box containing the device(s) and all accessories before the 14-day deadline expires. If the equipment is not returned, I.Management will invoice the user for the price referred to in article 11.2. The user is responsible for the direct cost of returning the equipment. The user is only liable for the depreciation of the device resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of the Device. I.Management will reimburse all sums paid by the user for the order, less the cost of initially sending the order to the purchaser and possibly the value of the self-adhesive electrodes whose use is individual, if these have been damaged or used by the user, no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the returned goods, using the same means of payment that the user used for the initial transaction, unless the user expressly agrees to a different means.

2.2 This right of withdrawal cannot be exercised when the Device has been manufactured according to the particular specifications desired by the user.

3.1. The Property (including accessories) remains the exclusive, non-transferable and non-seizable property of the Hirer I.Management. The Property may not under any circumstances be transferred, rented or lent to a third party in any form whatsoever.
or. The Tenant shall be the custodian of the Property within the meaning of Article 1242 of the Civil Code from the time of delivery of the Property until it is handed over to the Landlord. The Hirer undertakes to keep the Property throughout the duration of the contract and to take the necessary care of it.

3.2. Throughout the duration of the Contract, the Hirer undertakes to use the Property in accordance with its intended purpose
to the use normally expected of equipment of this nature and to take note of the instructions
of employment provided with the Property. He/she undertakes not to make any commercial or professional use of the Property, being fully aware of the fact that the rental is reserved for strictly personal use.

3.3 In the event of the breakdown of the Goods, the Hirer shall inform the Landlord without delay by e-mail or telephone and shall return the Goods by registered parcel post, packaged in such a way as to ensure appropriate protection, to the address and in the manner indicated. In the event of a breakdown resulting from an inherent defect in the Good or a case of force majeure, the Hirer will repair or exchange (identical model appliance or, if this appliance is no longer marketed or available, an equivalent appliance with similar technical characteristics) the defective Appliance for the duration of the Contract. In the event of a breakdown that is not the result of an inherent defect in the Goods or a case of force majeure, the costs of repairing the Goods, after an estimate has been accepted by the Tenant, will be invoiced to the Tenant. Refusal of the estimate will result in the immediate termination of the Contract by the Tenant. Maintenance of the Goods is carried out exclusively by the Hirer or by any service provider of his choice.

3.4. In the event of the disappearance or theft of the Property, the Tenant undertakes to inform the Landlord. The Hirer undertakes to make a declaration to the competent authorities in case of theft and to send a copy to the Hirer. This notification of disappearance or theft to the Hirer shall result in the termination of the
by the Tenant.

3.5. The Hirer recommends that the Hirer takes out insurance covering the risks associated with the possession of a Rental Device (theft, loss, breakage, oxidation, etc.) and the obligations of the Contract

4.1. The amount of the rent and the initial payment are those shown on the rental contract for the Property chosen at the time of subscription. These amounts are expressed in euros, all taxes included, and excluding

4.2. Rent is payable in advance and is portable. Any unpaid rent will be subject to a surcharge of 10 % as a penalty clause and €16 in bank charges for unpaid direct debits.

4.3. Rentals due by the Tenant under the terms of the Contract shall be debited automatically from the Tenant's bank or post office account in accordance with the order given by the Tenant at the time of signing the contract, at the intervals defined with due dates of the 5th, 15th or 25th of each month, the due date being determined by the Landlord. The Hirer irrevocably undertakes to pay the invoices or to maintain his/her payment order throughout the duration of this contract, unless he/she provides a new bank or postal address at least one month in advance. Invoices or direct debits will only be issued once the appliance has been dispatched. For the duration of the present contract, the rents mentioned are fixed and non-indexable. In the event of failure to pay any of the rents stipulated in the contract by the due date, the procedure set out in article 10.2 shall apply.

In the case of a distance order, the Goods are delivered according to the delivery methods shown on the Site.
Without prejudice to the provisions of article 2.1, the Hirer is invited to check the Appliance upon receipt and to make any reservations if the Appliance delivered does not conform to the order or is damaged. For the sole purpose of enabling the Hirer to exercise any recourse against the carrier, these reservations must be made directly on the delivery note, or sent to the carrier by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within 3 working days following delivery of the Goods (in this case, a copy of this letter will be sent to the Hirer).

6.1. If for a reason beyond the control of the Hirer, the Hirer could not use the Property immediately upon receipt, he/she may not exercise any recourse against the Hirer, nor claim a reduction or deferment of rent, nor request the cancellation of the Contract.

6.2 Irrespective of any contracts that the Tenant may have taken out, the Tenant undertakes to insure in good faith
family, the custody of the Property in accordance with the legislative rules in force.

6.3. The Tenant undertakes to maintain the Property in perfect working order and in good repair. The maintenance shall be of a sufficient standard to enable the establishment of a
new Lease, or extension of the original Lease, without prior refurbishment.

The Hirer undertakes to provide and update accurate identification and bank details to the Hirer during the term of the Contract. In all correspondence with the Hirer, the
The Hirer must mention his name, first name and customer reference. Any incomplete request cannot be processed.

8.1. The Hirer is the exclusive owner of the Rented Property.

8.2. The Tenant shall not, without the written authorisation of the Landlord, lend or sublet the Property. The Hirer may pledge the Property, with the Tenant being appointed third party holder. The Hirer may also transfer the Property and the benefit of the rental, and the Tenant shall remain subject to its obligations to the new Owner under the terms of this Agreement.

8.3. The Hirer expressly undertakes to ensure that the Hirer's right of ownership is respected at his own expense until the end of the Rental Agreement. He shall immediately inform the lessor by registered letter of any
If a seizure takes place, he must take all necessary steps to obtain its release. If a seizure takes place, he must take all necessary steps, at his own expense, to obtain its release.

The Contract comes into force on acceptance by the Hirer and is concluded for an initial irrevocable fixed term of 12 or 24 months. Unless terminated with the return of the Device under the conditions set out in article 10, the Contract is renewed by tacit agreement for successive periods of one month ("Renewal Period").

10.1. The Contract may be terminated by the Hirer by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Hirer at the end of the initial term. In the event of termination by the Tenant during the initial term, the Tenant may be exempted from payment of the remaining rental charges if he/she can prove a legitimate reason, in particular in the event of death, imprisonment for a minimum of 3 months in a penal institution, dismissal of the Tenant on an open-ended employment contract, force majeure as defined in the case law of the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court). Termination of the Contract will take effect at the end of the current month on
at the time of receipt by the Hirer of the request for termination accompanied by documentary evidence of the legitimate reason invoked. In the absence of a legitimate reason, early termination will result in the immediate payment of the remaining rental charges until the end of the initial term. During the Renewal Period, the Hirer may terminate the Contract at any time by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Hirer. Cancellation will take effect at the end of the month in which the cancellation request is received by the Hirer, accompanied by the return of all the Goods returned, which must be in perfect condition and in their original box, with all the accessories initially supplied with the exception of the patches and batteries.

10.2. The rental contract is terminated by the Hirer without the need for any formality
by court order, eight days after formal notice has been served by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to which no response has been received, in the following cases :

  •  failure by the Tenant to comply with any of the general or special conditions of this Agreement
    contract ;
  • non-payment of rent on the due date, the arrival of the term alone constituting the putting in
    home ;
  • inaccuracy of the Tenant's statements ;
  • failure to report damage to equipment ;
  • cessation or suspension of the Tenant's business affecting its solvency, whatever the reason
    the causes, devolution of the client's assets by succession ;
  • decrease in guarantees and securities.

After the notice of default, the lessor retains the right to terminate the contract even if the lessee has offered to pay or perform his obligations or has done so after the deadline, but he may expressly or tacitly waive it.
Consequences of termination :
The Hirer intends to terminate the Contract for one of the reasons set out above, the Hirer shall be required to return the Property immediately. The Tenant shall bear all the costs incurred by this termination: transport of the Property, restoration, any incidental costs. In the event of the Tenant's refusal to return the rented Property, it shall be sufficient to force it to do so by a summary order issued by the President of the Court, which shall be declared, at the request of the Landlord, enforceable on the record.
In addition to the return of the Property, the Tenant shall pay the Landlord a sum equal to the amount of the rents
The Hirer shall pay to the Landlord the total amount of unpaid rent at the date of termination plus late payment indemnities and interest, as well as a sum equal to the total amount of rent remaining until the end of the contract as originally provided for, plus a penalty clause of 10 % (without prejudice to any damages that he may owe). The Hirer must also reimburse the Renter for any costs incurred by the Renter in connection with the termination and repossession of the Property. Direct debit notices presented and paid after termination of the Contract will be allocated to the sums due and will not entail novation of the termination of this Contract.

11.1. Withdrawal or termination of the Contract, whatever the cause, entails an obligation to return the Goods (i) under the conditions defined in article 2.1 in the event of withdrawal, or (ii) in a good state of use and maintenance, in their original box with all their accessories within 8 days following the effective date of termination, by sending them to the Hirer at the address indicated in article 2.1, in packaging that ensures appropriate protection in the event of termination.

11.2. Except in cases of force majeure, if the Hirer fails to return the Goods or returns them in a poor state of repair or incomplete, the Hirer will invoice the Hirer the public selling price of the Goods in force on the day of the order on

12.1. By virtue of this contract, the Tenant undertakes to pay on the day of signing the contract as a security deposit in a cheque equal to the sale price of the Property in force on the day of the order
on to the order of I.Management.

12.2 It is specified that the payment of a security deposit by the Tenant to the Landlord guarantees any sum owed to the Landlord by the Tenant under the terms of this contract, and in particular, unpaid rents and expenses,
compensation and costs of restoring the Property.

12.3. The security deposit, or the part of the security deposit that has not been used, will be returned by the Landlord to the Tenant at the latest 30 days after the return of the Property.

I.Management reserves the right to charge the customer a handling fee for any method of payment other than direct debit. This amount will be indicated on the invoice. Without prejudice to the termination of this Contract, any term unpaid on the due date will result in the payment of a conventional late payment penalty of 10% of the amount of the sums due with a minimum of €15 per unpaid debt, and the payment of late payment interest at the monthly rate of one per cent (1 %) from the day of the unpaid amount until the day of actual payment, any month started being due in full. The security deposit, which does not bear interest, will be returned to the Tenant within one month of the expiry of the rental period, after deduction of any compensation, interest or unpaid rent and costs, and in general of any debt arising from this Contract.

In the event of a breakdown/complaint, the Renter can contact I.Management as follows: by email at by post to I.Management SAS 80 rue Curial 75019 Paris.

The Contract is governed by French law. Any dispute with individual, professional or retail users that cannot be settled amicably will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Cour d'Appel de Paris (Paris Court of Appeal). For other users, the legal rules of jurisdiction apply.

To download the withdrawal form below, click here.