Urinary leakage ? What are the solutions to urinary incontinence?


Unfortunately, urinary incontinence is a taboo subject, but it is widespread. It affects all ages, men and women alike.

It affects our quality of life, is disabling and even handicapping. It has negative repercussions on social and intimate life. Depression, isolation and lack of self-confidence are the first psychological impacts of this pathology.

"Fear of accidents and public embarrassment, of course, but also of bad smells" Martine, 56, Lyon

"I used to feel capable of lifting mountains, but I have lost my self-confidence and I am no longer able to take initiatives" Gisèle 65, Var


Read the published article by Dr Paul Vo Quang Dang


Losing urine with simple physical efforts such as carrying a child or coughing is a real handicap.

In France, despite medical treatments or perineal rehabilitation, more than 2 million women still suffer from it. They isolate themselves or avoid going out because of it.

A solution to urinary incontinence, at the Saint Jean de Gennevilliers hospital, the team of Dr Paul VO QUANG DANG from the RACHIS functional re-education department, has developed a personalised treatment. It is an ambulatory and easily applicable treatment. It has proved its worth in solving the very frequent urinary leaks of people with spinal injuries.

This is the lumbosacral micro-neurostimulation by the Programmed regenerative microcurrent developed by Dr. VO QUANG DANG's team.

This new treatment for age-related bladder weakness in women is very effective. For more than 3 years, hundreds of people suffering from chronic bladder weakness have been able to return to a normal life thanks to lumbosacral micro-neurostimulation.

It is a safe, ambulatory, non-invasive, easily applicable and rapidly effective treatment. The results are permanent.

Dr. Paul Vo Quang Dang, RACHIS functional rehabilitation department, Saint Jean hospital 

From the very first session, you will understand the benefits. You will realise that a very simple gesture will do you a world of good and change your life.

The SKEEN PATCH device produces an exclusive programme of Programmed Regenerative Microcurrent capable of stimulating and regenerating the nerves of the lumbosacral region which are often weakened by age, it restores the proper functioning of the bladder and its sphincters.

The results of neuro-muscular bladder re-education with the SKEEN PATCH Body are simply amazing: the majority of people treated are delighted because they are finally able to get rid of bladder weakness and return to a peaceful life.

Discover all the health benefits of the Skeen Patch body
