How can bladder weakness be treated in just a few weeks?

Understanding the causes of urinary incontinence and how to treat it

This is a medical article written by Dr Paul Vo Quang Dang, Head of the Functional Rehabilitation Department at Saint Jean Hospital.

Read the article: Medical article on the treatment of urinary incontinence

A taboo subject, and for good reason, there is nothing more embarrassing and inconvenient than bladder weakness.

They ruin the daily lives of 3 million people around the world. Urinary incontinence affects everyone, men and women, young and old, even top athletes. Urinary incontinence is not a disease and the causes are varied. It starts with the inability to hold back to go to the toilet, followed by leakage during physical exertion and then total loss of control.

After physical exertion, sneezing or a coughing fit, if you have bladder weaknessDon't wait for it to get worse, your bladder is showing signs of weakness.

More affected than men, women can suffer from it whether they have had children or not and are more exposed from their fifties onwards.

SKEEN PATCH BodyCorps, a real solution to urinary incontinence

SKEEN PATCH  allows you to regain normal bladder function in a large majority of patients after treatment. After only 2 weeks, a clear improvement in daily life can be seen, to the delight of sufferers.

Thanks to the deep bio-stimulation of the regenerative microcurrent of Skeen PatchThe sphincters and the nervous system controlling the bladder are re-educated and gradually regain their functions.

Skeen Patch performs a unique muscular re-education of the bladder: stress urinary leakage quickly disappears.

Skeen Patch was nominated for the Prix Galien de Médecine 2017The MCR is a modern, innovative and effective tool. The RCM demonstrates here its capacity to improve disorders that are often without solution until now: proof of its immense potential.